At this year's Pan Alive competition I received the above flyer showcasing Liz Mannette's authentic steelpan fashion accessories. I remember reading an article about Liz a while back so I was very excited to see that her work was being promoted in Toronto. After checking out the website I am very interested in the guitar pan ring (hint hint to all my friends.....Christmas is right around the corner...LOL). But seriously, on my next trip to Trinidad I definitely want to check out her store. For all those living in Trinidad, Liz Manette Inc. is located at #10 Queen's Park West, Suite 6, Port of Spain. PH: 868-623-5420
Also check out the website for the online catalogue: http://www.lizmannette.com/
Liz has also created a blog to follow the development of her company so check that out too!!
Hey Cocoa Panyol,
Thanks so much for your support and promotion. Just to let you know, we will be back in Toronto for the Caribbean Fashion Gala on Sept 27th at the Harbor Front Westin Hotel. And we are speaking with potential retailers in Toronto. So expect to be able to buy your Liz Mannette Christmas gifts in Canada.
In Trinidad, the Collection is available at all Stechers Gift Stores (Piarco Airport, Long Circular Mall, Trincity Mall, Gulf City and Crown Point Airport).
If you come to Trinidad, do let me know in advance. Would love to meet!
be well.
Hi Liz, We in Africa are also interested in distributing your product around Africa, for Pannists and Pan enthusiasts. A new company has just been formed between private investors in Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, and Pan Trinbago. It is called Africa- Trinidad and Tobago Steelpan Development Co. Ltd. I happen to be the CEO and have plans for distribution of pan products in Africa.
I'll be glad to have a comprehensive list of this product and your contact. I'll be in Trinidad first week in February 2012. My email address : afrittsdc@gmail.com
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