The Mascamp is shceduled to open on Monday, September 1st, 2008 at 12 noon.
By now many of you have registered either locally through the Mas Camp or online, for the various chapters of ‘Heaven on Earth’. Your eager response to our presentation for next year has been both encouraging and humbling.
There were a few hitches in getting started and we truly apologize to all for the inconvenience – especially to our online family who were affected by the technical difficulties we experienced with the website on Tuesday, August 26. The late opening of the Mas Camp and a power outage and low voltage situation, for almost four hours on Tuesday, also limited the registration process.
To our online masqueraders most of you have four general queries with regards to: the availability costumes in your chosen chapters; the option of tankinis or one-piece female suits and the provision of boy shorts for Carnival Monday. As past masqueraders you will be given preference of selection, unless there is a production issue where costumes chosen are not available because of size or other special requirements and if so you will be notified by email in a timely manner. While no one-pieces are being offered, tankinis are optional for six chapters- just let us know when you’re registering. Rest assured ladies you will have boy shorts for Monday Mas.
As we keep you in the loop it’s also important that we let you know that the chapters Rays of Light and Carnival have been sold out. As well, both local and online registration for the Sonia Mack chapter, Paradisus, will open on Wednesday, September 03.
Some good news for our New York family! You can look forward to seeing some of our costumes at D' Vale Vibe party this Saturday August 30th at the Brooklyn Museum. For details please visit www.valevibe.com Please note that we will not be registering people at the event.
We know that you are eager for that close-up look of our presentation for 2009 – ‘Heaven on Earth- it’s what you make it’ and we can’t wait to show it to you as well.
With that in mind, we invite you to view the costumes in our 12 Chapters on Saturday, August 23 from 11:00 am – 6:00 pm and on Monday, August 25 from 11:00 am – 7:00 pm at the Mas Camp, 11 Stone Street, Port-of-Spain.
Registration will commence on Tuesday, August 26 from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm through to Friday, and on Saturday from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. We value you as part of our Islandpeople Mas family and we encourage you take advantage of our early client registration process.
To our extended overseas family, you have the option to register online at islandpeoplemas.com, beginning August 26 - September 02. Similar to last year you can pay by PayPal.
Friends, remember that at the Mas Camp we accept VISA, Mastercard, Linx, and Cash. Sorry, no personal cheques nor American Express.
We’re one step closer to our ‘Heaven on Earth’. See you at the Camp...
Island People Mas
‘Heaven on Earth’ – it’s what you make it’
Usain Bolt of Jamaica reacts after winning the gold in the 100m Saturday in Beijing. (Anja Niedringhaus/Associated Press)Jamaica's Usain Bolt ran an electrifying 9.69 seconds in the 100-metre sprint to set a new world record and take Olympic gold at Bird's Nest Stadium in Beijing on Saturday night.
Richard Thompson of Trinidad and Tobago won silver at 9.89, with Walter Dix of the United States taking bronze. Dix, an NCAA champion just out of school at Florida State, ran 9.91.
Trinidadian Haniffa Ali and a friend lead an African section on stage in the Scotiabank Caribana parade.
“Mas, Toronto gone wild; playing mas Trinidadian style.”
(Mighty Sparrow, 1972)
WITH Notting Hill Carnival already in full swing, folk have scarcely had time to catch their collective breath from a slew of regional carnivals, in places like Antigua, St Vincent, St Lucia and Barbados, and further afield in Canada for Toronto’s Scotiabank Caribana. As usual, more than a million spectators descended on maple leaf country for an explosion of music and mas, all spawned from T&T Carnival.
Producing an African-themed presentation, Jamaal Magloire copped the Band of the Year title for large bands for the second consecutive year. Trinidad-born Magloire is a member of much acclaimed NBA team Dallas Mavericks, but admits that, in spite of his fame and success, mas is too much in his blood not to participate in Caribana.
Also in winners’ row was another Trini, veteran masman Selwyn “Nip” Davis. His presentation—Somewhere in the Orient—won the Band of the Year title in the 500-member category.
Secretary of the Toronto Mas Association, and en amployee with Children’s Aid Society, Davis said he already has ideas in his head for his 2009 presentation.
Stating that mas is a year-round affair, Davis revealed that he does his shopping in his native land when he makes his annual pilgrimage home for Trinidad Carnival.
Caribbean women play themselves at this year’s Scotiabank Caribana in Toronto, Canada. AP Photos
An unforgettable experience on the road—that’s what Carnival band Island People Mas (IPM) is offering masqueraders for C2K9.
With an increasing number of mas bands to choose from, bandleader/director Dane Lewis assures that great things are in store for those opting to play with the band.
“We are all about celebrating and taking care of our masqueraders. It’s all about them,” he said.
The concept
It’s surely different and engaging, but just where did the concept Heaven on Earth come from?
“First thing people would think of is what’s in heaven, but there are so many heavenly things on earth that we can showcase and celebrate,” said Lewis.
“We like to look at our band like a story moving from one chapter to another, which is why we don’t use the word ‘sections.’ With sections people tend to compete with each other. We want our masqueraders to feel like they belong to one band. All the different chapters go together to complete the story.”
IPM’s presentation has 12 chapters for C2K9, including Love, Chocolate, Angel Falls and Touch.Embracing competition
Despite stiff competition in the Carnival industry, Group Communication Specialist for IPM Penny Gomez said the band, which is going into its fourth year, remains unfazed.
“We are definitely not afraid of competition. At one point we were new as well. However we encourage the new bands to learn from the veteran band leaders.”
Lewis echoed similar sentiments. “We embrace competition, it gives the masquerader more options. We don’t want to be better than anybody. We don’t look at the other bands as competitors. We really do wish all of them luck,” said Lewis.
Quality matters
Gomez said assuring all masqueraders get quality for money is always high on the band’s agenda. “When you think of IPM mas, you don’t only think of jumping up. We offer a quality mas experience.
Lewis asserted: “The masquerader playing with us can expect an all inclusive band, exceptionally good catering services, high security, among other amenities. We want our masqueraders to have a true heavenly experience.
“We also offer a great mix of designers — Crystal Aming, Diane Hunt, Sonia Mark, Sandra Hordatt, Tisha Neilson, Tiffany and Fazad Mohammed.”
Island People will hold its official band launch on Sunday evening at the Queen’s Park Oval in Woodbrook.
“It’s going to be great. We are going to do something that we have never done before. We are very excited,” said Lewis. “It’s our interpretation of heaven on earth. Heaven is really what you make it.”
More info
Call Island People Mas at:
625-1fun (1386)
or visit: www.islandpeoplemas.com
1st Salah Steel Academy – Puncernelly – Defosto – Winston Scarborough – Salah Wilson
2nd Afropan Steelband – 10 Commandments of Pan – Tony Prescott – Jason “Peanut” Isaac/Ingrid Depleza – Earl La Pierre
3rd Silhouettes Steel Orchestra – Sweet Soca Man – Baron – Winsford Devine – Mark Mosca
4th PanaticsHi readers, The mas bands have done their part… Band leaders have chosen their themes, designers have worked tirelessly on thei...