Saturday, March 23, 2013

2013 Toronto Carnival Mas Band Themes

2013 Toronto Carnival Mas Band Themes

Black Sage Carnival - "SPICE OF LIFE"

Blues Carnival Fusion - "LOST CIVILIZATIONS"

Carnival Nationz - "THE REEF"

Callaloo - "REBIRTH"

Carnival Revolution - "HOME FOR CARNIVAL"

Connections Mastumes - "RHYTHM OF LIFE"

D'Regulars - "MAMA THIS IS MAS!"

Fantazia International - "ANCIENT LEGENDS"

Louis Saldenah Mas-K Club - "HEAVEN & EARTH"

Mas Toronto - "TIMELINE"

Renaissance Mas Productions - "HAUTE MAS: HOUSE OF RENAISSANCE"

Toronto Revellers - "007, MAS NEVER DIES"

Tribal Carnival - "THE BEAUTY OF NATURE"


Anonymous said...

Carnival Nationz needs to release their theme already. I'm getting annoyed waiting.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update! Carnival Nationz took too long to release it. I couldn't keep it a secret any longer.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone hear information about the Callalo (Carnival Angelz) bandlaunch?

de cocoa panyol said...

I haven't heard a thing! Not sure what's going on with the band.

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