De CARNIVAL NATIONZ VICTORY FETE IS HERE...We won we won we won...woooooohoooo let's have a PAAAAAAAAAARTY (cause yuh know we always looking for a reason to FETE). Carnival Nationz is about The Ultimate Caribana Experience and this year we were uncontested in all departments including presentation, costumes, registration, pickup, security, music, and everything that made us the best in 2009.
Come celebrate with us and our sponsors September 26th inside the Solarium 11 Polson St. Music by our Carnival Nationz Djs including D Bandit, Mr Playhouse, Jester, Soca Sweetness, Kold Fusion and hosted by Eman and SKF.
IT'S FREEEE for all our 2009 Masqueraders so come on down!
Check flyer for details or call 416-930-9650 or 416-985-8488 or 416-565-4079
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