Well according to this TorontoLime article the Defreitas crew will be presenting a band for Caribana 2010 after all. We all lived through that whole Tribe Toronto drama....(sigh).....but it seems issues were discussed/resolved and thus we now have DE FREITAS CARNIVAL presenting "REIGN OF FIRE". The associated website is www.decarnival.com (not up and running yet) and the FB group is http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=113498415339614&v=info&ref=ts
Check out the FB info below in the meantime:
Website Coming Soon...Check back Soon for Launch date!
Every summer thousands gather to celebrate Toronto’s Caribbean Carnival (CARIBANA) festivities. To no surprise 2010 is shaping up to offer the most illustrious surprise yet. As if the multitude of upcoming festival events was not enough to stir excitement, a long awaited brand will be making its first ever appearance down the Lakeshore. The brand known as DE FREITAS CARNIVAL has announced its grand entrance into the festivities for CARIBANA 2010.
Ken De Freitas & Justin Hospedales the Band Leaders of this venture and their committee promise to bring the inimitable Carnival experience from the streets of Trinidad to Toronto. They are envisioning a Carnival which redefines the possibilities and offers the unexpected. From prestigious parties, flavorful concerts and luscious costumes, this team has come to add a new spice to CARIBANA. Ken De Freitas, a long time veteran in the MAS making has definitely thought of passing on his skills to assist in developing a new generation to continue a cultural legacy that will ensure that his team brings Caribana to a higher level in the next 5 years.
His seeked participation worldwide in developing MAS with prominent bands and his originality remains one to be rivaled. There is no question as to why the Toronto people already believe that DE FREITAS CARNIVAL will be a hot commodity that will SELL OUT and leave many hopefuls on extended wait-lists for 2010. The DE FREITAS family prides itself on offering nothing less than a "total experience". Placing the masquerader as their first priority, each costume will be professionally tailored and made to custom fit the individual. It is difficult to truly comprehend all that DE FREITAS CARNIVAL will be without firsthand indulgence! Luckily, Toronto will continue to have its chance during CARIBANA 2010 under his restructrued band.
For more information and sponsorship opportunities regarding Toronto’s 2010 DE FREITAS CARNIVAL experience, contact Justin Hospedales: 416.209.0834
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