Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
T&T Independence Day Celebrations at Queen's Park
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Trinidadians and Tobagonians in Toronto Celebrate their Independence at Toronto's Queen's Park: August 30th, 2009
The second annual Trinidad and Tobago Independence Day celebrations, hosted under the aegis of the distinguished Consul General of Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Michael Lashley, will take place on Sunday August 30th, 2009 at Queen’s Park, Toronto commencing at 2:00 p.m.
This year’s event is entitled “traditions and nostalgia” and has been chosen to provide an opportunity for the Trinidad and Tobago diaspora to celebrate and reminisce about Trinidad and Tobago traditions that are in danger of becoming extinct. The planned activities will therefore allow the first generation of the Trinidad and Tobago diaspora to remember a way of life that formed the basis of their strong values. They will allow the second and third generations the opportunity to learn more about these traditions and provide the occasion for them to enjoy the gifts of Trinidad and Tobago’s cultural diversity, art, music and traditions.
The celebrations will commence with an interfaith service and will include performances that will showcase the unique culture of Trinidad and Tobago representing the diversity of its population. The performances will include calypso, drumming, tassa, dances, steelpan and traditional mas and will feature artistes and groups such as: Anslem Douglas, Macomere Fifi, Afropan, Kalabash, PanFantasy, Caribbean Folk Performers, the Muhtadi Drummers, Annemarie Woods and much more.
As you will expect any Trinidad and Tobago event will allow the opportunity to sample the culinary variety of Trinidad and Tobago and there will be a wide array of tasty Trinidad and Tobago dishes available. The Consul General of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago wishes to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to ALL Trinidad and Tobago nationals and persons of any other nationality who wish to experience the food, music and culture of Trinidad and Tobago to attend celebrations held in commemoration of the 47th anniversary of Independence of Trinidad and Tobago which will be held at Queen’s Park, Toronto on Sunday, August 30, 2009.
There will also be lots of prizes for the winners of games, including “the best dressed red, white and black” individual who epitomises the spirit of Trinidad and Tobago. For further information please direct your inquires to congen@ttconsulatetoronto.com
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Destra is pregnant....

Destra pregnant; due Jan '10
Deborah John - Features Editor
Thursday, August 20th 2009Soca star Destra Garcia is pregnant and expecting to deliver her
baby sometime in January 2010.
It will be the first child for her and the second for her boyfriend/manager/producer of the past nine years, Brian Morris. He is the father of a 13-year-old daughter who lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.Garcia, known for hits like "Tremble It", "Sassiness", "Bonnie and Clyde",
"I Dare You", "Obsessive Winers" and "Carnival", told the Express she had some "mixed emotions at first"."I've always had a bit of an irregular cycle, so I was not sure it was that, but my gynaecologist recently confirmed for me that yes, I am very pregnant. I hope my fans are very happy for me."
The soca star, who is the face of Digicel in Trinidad and Tobago, said the news took her by surprise because there had been no morning sickness. Her stomach has only "just" started to show, she said. Contacted for a comment, Sponsorship and PR manager for Digicel Marita Laurent extended congratulations to Garcia and Morris on the pregnancy.
"We fully support her as she embarks on the wonderful
journey of motherhood."Garcia said she did notice she had gone up two bra cup sizes, an increase that was remarked upon by some fans who saw her at the recent Tribe launch at Pier 1, Chaguaramas.
But she sees it as the "hand of God" intervening in her plans, as "we both said we would do this some day".
Showering praises on Morris, who is also the band's sound engineer, she
said, "Marriage and kids is something we always planned to do, but each year
we've said 'next year'. Brian is very quiet, he always stays in the background,
but he is a wonderful person and he is going to be a great father."Morris described himself as "excited" and sees their marriage plans as coming forward in the "not too distant future".
Asked who she will be getting her pregnancy tips from, Garcia said she expects a lot of support from her mom and her sisters in soca, Denyse Belfon and Alison Hinds.
Garcia and band have toured constantly since Carnival-Jamaica, Antigua, St Vincent, Grenada, Tortola, St John, St Thomas, New York, Manhattan and Barbados. She returned last weekend from the Hookstratten Festival in Belguim, Germany.
Now she agrees the pace will have to be slower, but not before she fulfills her commitment to Miami Carnival in October. A lot of it will depend on her doctor's orders, but she is already working on material for Carnival 2010.
Also look out for her tomorrow evening at the Digicel "Outta Control" free concert at Adam Smith Square, Woodbrook. But how much less she takes on in the immediate future is not only her decision but Morris's and their business partner, Robert Nurse.
"We have to do what is best for the band, because the guys support me 100 per cent, " she said.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
SOCACIZE....Summer into Fall Sessions

Summer into Fall Sessions
Stay fit after summer!
Additional dates & locations!
Fall Schedule
The Studio
12 Rutherford Rd. S. (Rutherford & Queen off hwy 410)
Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm
September 9 – December 16
Sundays 2:00-3:00pm
September 13 – December 20
(No class October 11th)
Advance $14.00; Drop-in $16.00 per session
Tropicana Community Services
670 Progress Avenue, Unit 14
(Progress & Consillium Place Dr.)
Saturdays 1:30 - 2:30pm
September 12- December 19
Scarborough **NEW** location & time
Simply Swagg Studios
705 Progress Avenue, Unit # 62
(Progress & Consillium Place Dr.)
Tuesdays 6:00pm – 7:00pm
September 8 – December 15
Advance $14.00; Drop-in $16.00 per session
Maple **NEW** location & time
Dance Passion Studio
399 Four Valley Drive Unit#10
(South on Bass Pro Mills Drive, off Edgeley Drive)
(Near Vaughn Mills Plaza)
Tuesdays 9:00pm – 10:00pm
September 8 – December 15
Advance $14.00; Drop-in $16.00 per session
Downtown- Toronto **NEW** location & time
O.I.P. Dance Studios
190 Richmond Street East, 2nd Floor
(Richmond & Jarvis)
Mondays 6:00 – 7:00 pm
September 14- December 14
(No class October 12th)
Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm
September 10– December 17
Advance $14.00; Drop-in $16.00 per session
Thornhill- **NEW** location
Thornhill School of Ballet
11 Glen Cameron Road
(Yonge St & Glen Cameron)
Mondays 5:30 – 6:30 pm
September 14- December 14
(No class October 12th)
Advance $14.00; Drop-in $16.00 per session
Ajax- **NEW** location
Messmer School of Dance
282 Monarch Unit#25
(Bayly & Monarch)
Saturdays 4:00 – 5:00 pm
September 12- December 19
Advance $14.00; Drop-in $16.00 per session
**Special Promotions**
Punch Card Special
Buy 15–session punch card for $200
And receive a FREE drop-in session (valued at $16)
Buy a 30–session punch card for $380
And receive 2 FREE drop-in sessions (valued at $32)
Thornhill & Ajax
New locations
Early bird Special
Register for 15 sessions at any location by August 28th
Save $5.00!
Valued Member - Special
Register 2 or more friends or family members
To receive 10 FREE sessions
Returning Member Appreciation –
10% off Regular sessions
Dates & times of locations are subject to change.
Visit http://www.facebook.com/l/;www.socacize.com for updates.
Gift Certificates Available
Cell: 416-728-5545
Monday, August 10, 2009
Barrie Caribfest 2009
Maxwell's BLACKsummer's Night Tour.....Toronto stop
Maxwell will return to the road in late September for a series of select North American concert dates, his first since wrapping a sold-out summer tour in early August. Maxwell's highly anticipated autumn tour kicks off at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto on September 25th. Go to MUSZE.com for a full tour date listing.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunday @ 11:00AM - 7:00P.M.
What is JerkFest?
JerkFest is an annual festival which takes place around the second weekend in August every year. JerkFest celebrates the world renown jerk cuisine. Its a fusion of jerk food, pulsating music, family friendly entertainment and good vibes - all under the throbbing Toronto sun.
Sykotik Mas

Cariwest - Hottest Fest in de West!

Cariwest brings the spirit of Caribbean Carnival to the Festival City of Edmonton, Alberta. The festival is 3 days of fun filled activities! Along with our Colourful Costume Extravaganza, you will also enjoy the sweet sounds of a steel pan, savour the flavour of West Indian Cuisine, and 'jump up' in the streets of Edmonton as you dance alongside the Mas band parade, with Calypso music resonating through your soul! Click here for our schedule of events.
Visit our Caribbean Village, located in Sir Winston Churchill Square for food, drinks, hanging out with friends while enjoying the fabulous entertainment we have planned for you and your families.
This year (2009) Cariwest celebrates its 25th Anniversary. Come celebrate with us! Do you want to play mas with us?
Cariwest (cariwest@shaw.ca) #1A 10575 114 Street NW Edmonton AB T5H 3J7 ph 780-421-7800
Join our Facebook group at "Cariwest - Western Carnival Development Association"
Taste of the Danforth

Monday, August 3, 2009
2009 Caribana - Band of the Year
Congratulations to Carnival Nationz!!! The band looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL on the road and I had an amazing time. Big up to all the LYCHEE CREW and to Ayanna (the SOCACIZE Queen) for creating such a great routine to start the show. A special shout out to fellow blogger THE SWEET 7......it was such a pleasure to meet you on the road!!! I can't wait for next year......
2009 Scotiabank Caribana™ Band of the Year (Category A)
1st | IN FULL BLOOM – Carnival Nationz (Marcus Eustace, Bryce Aguiton & Dwayne Pitt) – 447 |
2nd | A TRIBUTE TO HAROLD SALDENAH – THE GOLDEN YEARS – Louis Saldenah Mas-K Club (Louis Saldenah) – 445 |
3rd | BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire) – 433 |
4th | BIRDS OF PARADISE – Tribal Knights (Dexter Seusahai) – 420 |
5th | THE GANGES MEETS THE NILE – Callaloo (Marlon Singh) – 411 |
6th | INTO D WILD – Mas Toronto (Errol & Alicia Achue) – 403 |
7th | DIS IS AFRICA – Nip Davis & SCSC (Selwyn “Nip” Davis) – 397 |
8th | ALL ABOARD – Jessie Matthews & All Ah We Toronto (Cy & Jessie Matthews) – 359 |
2009 Scotiabank Caribana™ Band of the Year (Category B&C)
1st | SAFARI – All Spice Carnival (Curtis Eustace & Andre DeFreitas) – 420 |
2nd | GEM STONES – Connections – TCC (Mervyn Skeete) – 415 |
3rd | MAS HYSTERIA – Doldron, Doldron & Associates (Courtney Doldron) – 413 |
4th | A TASTE OF BRAZIL – Fantazia International (Will Morton) – 406 |
5th | DRAGON MASTERS OF THE SHAOLIN TEMPLE – Pleasure Players (Whitfield Balasco) – 383 |
6th | 20TEN – A TRIBUTE TO THE OLYMPICS – Borokeete Nex Generation (Anthony Joseph) – 381 |
7th | COME DANCE WITH ME – All d’Friendz (Sherry Lee Kam) – 356 |
Judging Criteria:
Each band must portray a theme suitable of the Carnival masquerade tradition, and a panel of volunteer judges will adjudicate each band based on the following criteria: Visual Impact (max. 20 marks); Authenticity (10); Creativity (20); Mas on the Move (10); Clarity of Theme (10); Presentation (20); and Craftsmanship (10) for a total of 100 marks. The order of merit is determined by discarding the highest and lowest score per participant. The judges’ decision is final, and is announced at the end of the parade.
Traditionally, there are 16 competing mas band spots per year that are hotly contested. They are been divided into three (3) categories:
Category “A” Bands: - Mas Bands #1 – #8
Composed of the top six (6) adjudicated “A” bands from the previous year plus the top two (2) adjudicated “B” bands from the previous year for a total of 8 bands. Inclusion determined by marks awarded. Size of band not a determining factor.
Category “B” Bands: - Mas Bands #9 – #14
Composed of the seventh- and eighth-placed Category “A” bands from the previous year, plus the 11th- through to 14th-placed Category “B” bands from the previous year for a total of six bands. Inclusion determined by marks awarded only. Size of band not a determining factor.
Category “C” Bands: - Mas Bands #15 & #16
Composed of two new, or returning mas bands (after said returning band sits out one year of competition). Any of these bands can advance from Category “C” to Category “A” in one year.
For 2009, instead of having 16 competing mas bands, there were only 15 competing mas bands comprising: eight (8) competing “A” bands; five (5) competing “B” bands; and two (2) new competing “C” bands. All mas and steel bands made it onto the parade route.
2009 Caribana - Pan Alive Results
Congrats to Salah Steel Academy.....traveling all the way from Montreal to claim the three-peat!!! You guys sounded excellent on Friday.
The unofficial results are as follows:
1st Salah Steel Academy – First in the Line – Edwin Pouchet & Alvin Daniell – Salah Wilson (287)
2nd New Dimension – Pan Baby – Amrit Samaroo – Andre Rouse (284)
3rd (tie) Afropan Steelband – Magic Drum – Len “Boogsie” Sharpe & Machel Montano – Earl La Pierre Sr (278)
3rd (tie) Pan Fantasy – Pan Redemption – Jason “Peanut” Isaac – Al Foster (278)
2009 OSA Pan Alive “People’s Choice”: HYSO – The Hamilton Youth Steel Orchestra
Judging Criteria:
A panel of volunteer judges awards points based on the following criteria:
- Arrangement (max. 40 marks comprising introduction, interpretation, re-harmonization, melodic development and motivic development)
- General Performance (40 marks comprising dynamics and balance)
- Tone (10 marks; blending of pans)
- Application of Rhythm (10 marks; application of rhythm) for a total of 100 marks.
- The order of merit is determined by discarding the highest and lowest score per participant. The judges’ decision is final, and all results are announced at the end of the show.
- this event was presented by the Ontario Steel Pan Association (OSA)
- the 2009 OSA Pan Alive winner – Salah Steelpan Academy – has won this competition three years in a row (2007, 2008 and 2009)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
2009 Caribana - KIng And Queen Competition Results

1st. Dexter Seusahai – “King Scarecrow” – BIRDS OF PARADISE – Tribal Knights (Dexter Seusahai)
2nd. Martin Scott-Pascall – Heat Explosion Over Rio De Janeiro” – BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)
3rd. Anton Saldenah – “The Power & The Glory From The Band” –
A TRIBUTE TO HAROLD SALDENAH: THE GOLDEN YEARS – Louis Saldenah Mas-K Club (Louis Saldenah)
2009 Scotiabank Caribana ™ Queen of the Bands

1st. Joella Crichton – “The Source” – IN FULL BLOOM – Carnival Nationz (M. Eustace, B. Aguiton, D. Pitt)
2nd. Carol Cuffie – “The Beauty of Mercury Mist – The Gemstone” – GEM STONES – Connections – TCC (Mervyn Skeete)
3rd. Penne Sutherland – “The Intangible Heritage Goddess of Love” – BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)
2009 Scotiabank Caribana ™ Male Individual of the Year

1st. Mista Meggy - “Bahia Native Dancer” – BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)
2nd. Shane Mungal – “Dance of the Indian Peacock” – BIRDS OF PARADISE – Tribal Knights (Dexter Seusahai)
3rd (tie). Micah Akal – “Spirit of the Wild” – INTO D WILD – Mas Toronto (Errol & Alicia Achue)
3rd (tie). Ron Belfon – “Biting Insects” – IN FULL BLOOM – Carnival Nationz (M. Eustace, B. Aguiton, D. Pitt)
2009 Scotiabank Caribana ™ Female Individual of the Year

1st. Alicia Anderson – “Maria, The Samba Dancer” – BRAZIL – BACHANNAL IN RIO – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)
2nd. Lisa Mahadeo – “Scarlet Macaw” – BIRDS OF PARADISE – Tribal Knights (Dexter Seusahai)
3rd. Trinelle Alleyne-Gittens – “Iris” – IN FULL BLOOM – Carnival Nationz (M. Eustace, B. Aguiton, D. Pitt)
Judging Criteria:
A panel of volunteer judges awards points based on the following criteria: Visual Impact (max. 30 marks); Authenticity (10); Creativity (20); Clarity of Theme (10); Presentation (20); and Craftsmanship (10) for a total of 100 marks. The order of merit is determined by discarding the highest and lowest score per participant. The judges’ decision is final, and all results are announced at the end of the show.
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2019 Toronto Carnival Band Directory
Hi readers, The mas bands have done their part… Band leaders have chosen their themes, designers have worked tirelessly on thei...