Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Caribana Parade Results


Judging critiria: Each band must portray a theme suitable of the Carnival masquerade tradition, and a panel of volunteer judges will adjudicate each band based on the following criteria: Visual Impact (max. 20 marks); Authenticity (10); Creativity (20); Mas on the Move (10); Clarity of Theme (10); Presentation (20); and Craftsmanship (10) for a total of 100 marks.

The order of merit is determined by discarding the highest and lowest score per participant. The judges’ decision is final, and is announced at the end of the parade.

2008 Scotiabank Caribana™ Band of the Year (Category A)

1st ALKEBU’LAN – Toronto Revellers (Jamaal Magloire)

2nd THE DEEP – Louis Saldenah Mas-K Club (Louis Saldenah)

3rd PIRATES – Carnival Nationz (Curtis Eustace)

2008 Scotiabank Caribana™ Band of the Year (Category B&C)

1st SOMEWHERE IN THE ORIENT – Nip Davis & Associates (Selwyn “Nip” Davis)

2nd DANCING WITH THE STARZ – Jessie Matthews & The Calabash Company (Jessie Matthews)

3rd EXOTICA – Evolution Carnival (Andre & Ken Defreitas)

I found this note quite interesting. It explains how bands are categorized for the parade.
Traditionally, there are 16 competing mas band spots per year that are hotly contested. They are divided into three (3) categories:

Category “A” Bands:
Mas Bands #1 – #8
Composed of the top six (6) adjudicated “A” bands from the previous year plus the top two (2) adjudicated “B” bands from the previous year for a total of 8 bands. Inclusion determined by marks awarded only. Size of band not a determining factor.

Category “B” Bands:
Mas Bands #9 – #14
Composed of the seventh- and eighth-placed Category “A” bands from the previous year, plus the 11th- through to 14th-placed Category “B” bands from the previous year for a total of six bands. Inclusion determined by marks awarded only. Size of band not a determining factor.

Category “C” Bands:
Mas Bands #15 & #16
Composed of two new, or returning mas bands (after said returning band sits out one year of competition). Any of these bands can advance from Category “C” to Category “A” in one year.

For 2008, instead of having 16 competing mas bands, there were only 15 competing mas bands comprising:
eight (8) competing “A” bands;
five (5) competing “B” bands; and
two (2) competing “C” bands.

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